Staffing Services

Recruiting Services
eSTAFF is a recruiting company with one goal in mind, getting professional people employed FAST. If you are searching for a qualified employee to work at your office, looking to train a group of job seekers, or trying to make your resumé more attractive to employers, eSTAFF is ready to help. Our success is found in the prosperity and progress of the lives of our clients. It is a pleasure to tell someone “You’re Hired!” and we look forward to saying that phrase either to you or for you, before your next hire.

Resume Services
eSTAFF is a full service consulting company with one goal in mind, getting professional people employed. We start at the basics from resumé writing using my technique writing the resumé “The Write Way”. Whether you need to update an existing resumé or start from scratch we will guide you through the process. We will enhance your resumé to meet each perspective employers needs. This crucial step is pivotal in getting yourself in for an interview. Let an expert guide you in this process!